Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Smithsonian: 1st visit!

Why, hello! You all know that this post focusses on the Smithsonian, eh? Well, it also focusses on our STAY in D.C.! There are some trees outback and our first day we went exploring in those woods.
Now, me, Will and Jake had walking sticks. We didn't want to leave them in a random place so we put them on a tree and I sketched a picture of them so we wouldn't forget where they were.
below is our first glance at Mt. Rushmore!
GOODBYE!(for now)!

1 comment:

Grandpa and Grandma Peel said...

Ben, it's been so long since you wrote that we forgot to even look for a blog entry. Glad to have you back. You have had a lot of adventures and it's been so fun for us to read and see what you've been doing! I'll (Grandma) will be there on Friday and you can tell me more about it - okay?